

  • 博世工业智能网关-IOT PLC Gateway智能网关

    博世工业智能网关-IOT PLC Gateway智能网关

    型号:IOT Gateway

    博世工业智能网关,PLC网关-IOT PLC Gateway,采用OSGI开发平台。支持设备系统管理,配置及参数可视化,可配置多种采集现场I/O模块、传感器等数据模块,采集现场PLC,数控系统等设备数据。一体化传感平台,即插即用、快速原型开发、快速商业部署、方便实用、轻巧尺寸、可配置IP67防护盒。

  • 博世智能手套–手动工站分析系统



    博世智能手套–手动工站分析系统自动采集操作员操作数据,包括节拍时间,标准化情况,节拍内等待时间等,结合虚拟现实技术,再现操作过程。该手动工站分析系统是基于博世微机电传感器的智能手套,通过首创的软件算法将手势等信息进行自动采集和分析。 即插即用,无需定向开发,且适用于多个工作站,可拆卸式的硬件设计,支持定制不同类型工作手套。

  • 工业4.0博世物流传感器套件BOSCH TDL

    工业4.0博世物流传感器套件BOSCH TDL

    型号:BCDS TDL

    工业4.0博世物流传感器套件BOSCH TDL传输数据记录器透过记录温度、湿度、倾斜与冲击,并利用传感器进行追踪,让每一个递送过程变得透明化。当该物流传感器连接到等待出货的每一个高价值包裹后,它就能经由内建的传感器监测与记录温度、湿度、倾斜、位置与冲击。因此,当包裹到达时,收件人可以使用自己的智能手机读取包裹内容是否被破坏——包括如何、何时以及在何处被破坏等信息,从而确保供应链的可靠度。

  • 博世传感器开发套件BOSCH XDK

    博世传感器开发套件BOSCH XDK

    型号:BCDS XDK


  • XDK配套电流传感器LEM-ATO


    型号:LEM ATO

    ATO series is a split core current transformer for the electronic measurement of AC waveform current with galvanic separation between the primary circuit (power) and the secondary circuit (measurement). ATO series is an ideal current transformer for new Smart-Grid applications, in which ratio error and phase displacement are fully tested with IEC 61869 standards accordance.

  • 博世车载BOSCH eCall

    博世车载BOSCH eCall

    型号:BCDS eCall

    Keep your customers’ effort to a minimum with the Telematics eCall Plug from Bosch Connected Devices and Solutions. This smart sensor device is designed for crash detection and the analysis of driving behavior. The user-friendly advantage of this product is that the plug fits into a 12V outlet of any passenger car. Benefit from Bosch’s best-in-class technology and profit from various integrated functionalities in a small frame. You can choose between the following options: - eCall functionality & driving behavior determination - eCall functionality only - Driving behavior determination only

  • 博世现场级工业4.0应用传感器BOSCH CISS

    博世现场级工业4.0应用传感器BOSCH CISS

    型号:BCDS CISS

    Increase your manufacturing efficiency by monitoring your machines, processes, and environmental conditions. Introducing the Connected Industrial Sensor Solution (CISS), a compact multi-sensor device for harsh environments. Save costs by enabling predictive and remote maintenance with machine condition monitoring. CISS also makes it possible to optimize production yields via live process surveillance. Due to its motion and environmental sensing abilities, the CISS is ideally suited for Industry 4.0 applications.

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